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Volunteer Highlight: Martha

Martha, Volunteer

“I can't believe it's been four years since I started volunteering at the FBSM! I started during the pandemic when I had extra time, and many had extra needs. As an able-bodied person with a car, and in a phase of life where I'm not taking care of kids or elders, it felt really good contributing my time twice a week. Now, amidst resumed work life, it's been important to me to maintain one volunteer shift weekly at the food bank.

I love the prep days where I get to work with some of the same people, month after month. I cherish the friendships formed, the cultural insights gained, and the tangible impact on those in need.  

As a social justice consultant, I hope to affect long-term changes that would minimize food injustice. These shifts take time, and all the while people still struggle with food insecurity. This motivates me to keep volunteering at FBSM.

I find the work satisfying and the people delightful. Most importantly, I'm glad to have a consistent opportunity to contribute my time toward the smooth running of the food bank, and the distribution of bags of food to all those who need it.”


– Martha, Volunteer

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